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JN Archives > May-June 2003

JNephrol 2003; 16 (3): 393–398

Basiliximab reduces the incidence of acute cellular rejection in live-related-donor kidney transplantation: A three-year

Basiliximab reduces the incidence of acute cellular rejection in live-related-donor kidney transplantation: A three-year prospective randomized trial

H.A. Sheashaa1, M.A. Bakr1, A.M. Ismail1, M.A. Sobh1, M.A. Ghoneim1

(1) Urology & Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura - Egypt


Background: The aim of this work was to investigate the benefit of basiliximab induction therapy in living-related-donor kidney transplantation. Methods: One hundred adult recipients of a first kidney allograft were randomized into two treatment groups, one to receive basiliximab and the second as a control. All patients received maintenance triple immunosuppressive therapy (steroids, cyclosporine microemulsion and azathioprine). The patients were followed up for a minimum of three years. The end points for evaluation included the incidence of acute rejection episodes, severity of rejection, cumulative steroid dose, patients' and graft survival. Results: Basiliximab significantly reduced the proportion of patients who experienced an acute rejection in the first year (18/50) compared to the control group (31/50). At three years there were 26 acute rejections in the basiliximab group and 36 in control group. The cumulative steroid dose at three and 12 months was significantly lower in the basiliximab group. The overall incidence of post-transplant complications was comparable in the two groups. Conclusions: Prophylactic basiliximab is well tolerated and significantly reduces the incidence of acute rejection episodes in living-related-donor kidney transplantation.

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