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JN Archives > May-June 2003

JNephrol 2003; 16 (3): 417–420

Sustained response with negative serum HCV-mRNA and disappearance of antibodies after interferon-* therapy in a kidney t

Sustained response with negative serum HCV-mRNA and disappearance of antibodies after interferon-* therapy in a kidney transplant recipient with chronic active viral hepatitis C

G. Luciani1, Maurizio Bossola1, M. Muscaritoli2, N. Panocchia1, A. Ferrante1, G. Nanni1, E. Piccioni1, L. Tazza1, R.L. Grillo3, F. Rossi Fanelli2, M. Castagneto1

(1) Institute of Clinical Surgery, "Cattolica del S. Cuore" University, Rome - Italy
(2) Department of Clinical Medicine, "La Sapienza" University, Rome - Italy
(3) Institute of Microbiology, "Cattolica del S. Cuore" University, Rome - Italy


Background: The use of interferon-* (IFN-*) to treat viral hepatitis C (HCV) occurring in kidney transplant recipients is controversial. This study reports an HCV patient successfully treated with IFN-* therapy achieving sustained response, negative serum HCV-mRNA and the disappearance of HCV antibodies, without impairment of renal function. Method: A young kidney transplant recipient developed a proven HCV infection 70 months post-transplantation. The patient received IFN-* therapy, and for a 32-month follow-up period was evaluated clinically, serologically and virologically. Results: IFN-* therapy resulted in normal transaminase activities within 2 months. Serum HCV-mRNA was negative after 4 weeks of treatment and is still negative. Ten months after IFN-* therapy withdrawal, the enzyme immunoassay revealed that HCV antibodies (HCVAb) were absent in the serum. IFN-* therapy was safe, well tolerated and renal function was not impaired.

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